Cycling events this month

Tout vélo!: route, fixed, Montagne: DH, XC, All Mountain mais surtout Enduro!
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Cycling events this month

Message par Oyez Oyez » Jeu Fév 12, 2009 10:30 am

Three noteworthy cycling items for you this February:

I am too late to participate in the first item this time around but it is an impressive direct action and the type of thing that can be very influential on kids as they grow to be lifetime cyclists. So plan on helping the momentum for next February by participating in the [url= ]Action nationale à vélo.[/url]


Secondly, the annual bike race is a highly entertaining, all volunteer event started by local bicycle couriers to showcase speed and skills in our climatically challenged cycling environment. This year's race was planned for Parc Jean Drapeau but may move to Parc Jeanne-Mance where it occured last season. To keep abreast of the current status and ice conditions or to learn how to make your own ice tires, keep checking . Even if you don't feel up to racing, this makes a great FREE spectator sport. Currently slated for this Saturday, February 14.

If standing around on the ice in between bursts of hot chocolate/espresso fueled manic pedaling has you wishing for a slower and warmer setting, head down to Place Bonaventure the following Friday-Sunday, Feb 20-22 for the largest consumer oriented bicycle show in Québec: . Tickets are ten dollars and that allows you to drool on and fondle 75,000 square feet of new bike related goodies for 2009. This is different than the September show in the same location because it is open to all instead of restricted to industry retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers. See you there!

Happy trails,


Author: Kate Molleson
Category: newsfitnessTouringwinterkids
Publish Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:51:00 GMT


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Oyez Oyez
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