par Oyez Oyez » Lun Oct 27, 2008 9:30 am
It's probably not a bad thing that so many bicycle clubs factor in the local brew pub at the end of a bike ride.
It bears repeating that beer and bicycling are both good for the heart.
Iowa cyclist John Gray told the local newspaper that riding a bike and drinking beer just seems right; "The two things just go hand in hand."
So if you're looking for justification for quaffing a couple of beers after a ride, check these facts presented by the Sioux City Journal. Just remember, says nutrionist Sarah Nelson:
"The key, here, is the darker the brew, the higher the level of antioxidant present ....
Author: Gene Bisbee
Category: Main Page Bicycle Fitness
Publish Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 06:00:00 -0700