Balfas - are many floating around still in Quebec?

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Balfas - are many floating around still in Quebec?

Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 12:38 pm

I used to own a Belair and carry a 2STep DH as a demo bike while I repped for Balfa in CT for a spell.

I'm not back in the market for an inexpensive Trail/light freeride type of bike or frame or frame and fork combo.

I was hoping there might be some Belairs or 2Steps floating about in Quebec that you guys and gals could alert me to.

Also, if anyone knows how to get in touch with Stephane Amyot - former Balfa Sales Manager, could you please send me a reply. I remember Steph had a couple of frames he was willing to sell a year or so ago and one is right up my alley (a 2Step but with an air shock).

Thanks for any help you guys and girls can provide.

Tartosuc - did you sell Jozz's old Belair already? And is Mowd still riding my old blue Belair??
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Message par Jozz » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 12:44 pm

Tarto was the one who got my Belair. He sold it to Will.

As far as Stéphane, I'm sure someone will chime in with his e-mail. I know he came over to my place to check out my Blur last year and he was still trying to unload his Belair.

I was wondering, why the Belair and not any other inexpensive bike, like maybe an MKIII or something?

Of the four FS that I have owned, the Belair was definately the worse climber, weird geometrie and was a loose pivot hell... :dead:
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Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 1:01 pm


If you know of an MKiii frame for sale, let me know. Just thought the MKiii might be above my budget.

This will be for a bike that will be ridden occassionally as I have another bike that I think will be my regular ride.

I'd love to know if Stephane still has his 2step FR with the Fox air shock on it - this bike might be set up as a 1x9 so the 2STep would fit that bill nicely.

I'm wide open for options my friend so feel free to send leads my way!

Cheers and Happy Holidays to you and Karine!
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Kamikaze écervelé
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Message par Jozz » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 1:11 pm

I know A.P on here got a 2Step that might be available... :wink: Maybe C.S. (Charles) still have a Belair, not sure if its for sale though.

Good Holidays to you too and all your family. :thumb:
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Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 1:13 pm

Thanks Jozz.....I'll keep searching.

The 2Step would be what I'm looking for, but if only it weren't so heavy.

But for some reason, I've got a soft spot in my heart for Balfas.
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Message par A.P. » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 1:17 pm

Yes, looking in Québec is quite probably the best place if you want to find a Balfa. The Belair and 2Step may actually be a bit hard to find since they were never mass-produced. Once in a while, there's 2Step that pops out in the classified ads. You may want to check out over there.

Be careful at what you buy will be looking at bikes that probably have 3-4 years of riding and you don't know how they got treated. Personally, my 2Step is retired and on the injured war veterans list. :(
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Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 1:23 pm

Good point on the abuse of the bikes/frames comments.

That's why I'd like to try and get in touch with Stephan Amyot, because I think his frames have been inactive for a while.

Basically what I'm looking for is a 4.5 to6" travel FS frame that I can cheaply build into a bike to have fun on.

Sorta like the Cheetah Prowler I had for about a year or so. Built that up on the cheap and had a ton of fun on it! :thumb:
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Kamikaze écervelé
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Message par specialized27 » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 3:08 pm


Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 4:06 pm

"Take Care, Ride Hard, and Stay Alive!"
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Kamikaze écervelé
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Inscription : Ven Juin 18, 2004 1:29 pm
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Message par tartosuc » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 4:48 pm

L'axe 15mm est la meilleur solution a un problème qui n'existait pas.
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Message par MMcG » Jeu Déc 14, 2006 4:53 pm

"Take Care, Ride Hard, and Stay Alive!"
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Kamikaze écervelé
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Inscription : Ven Juin 18, 2004 1:29 pm
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Message par C.S. » Lun Déc 18, 2006 10:36 am

There might be some Bélairs left at Balfa UK (size large only with manitou air shock). A friend of mine got a brand spankin' new one last summer. You should check out with J as he still deals with Balfa UK on a regular basis for is new project.

Mark, did you ride at MSA a couple of years ago with Manu and some locals? I remember a Balfa rep who discovered what MSA really is with us... :devil:

Good luck in your search for the holy frame :thumb: !
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