Et voila... Une copie du post de l'admin du site www.
You did it! IMBA goal surpassed by big margin By Steve Outing on 12/1/2006
Wow! You all came through when we asked you to help out IMBA, the International Mountain Bicycling Association. And because you posted so much cool stuff to during November, we'll be sending a check for $1,000 over to the IMBA offices (which, conveniently, are about 4 blocks away from our office in downtown Boulder, Colorado; maybe we'll save 39 cents on postage and slip it under their door).
The deal we offered was that during the month of November, we'd pay $5 for every photo posted to, and $10 for every video or story -- up to a limit of $1,000.
Final results were impressive. You went over the goal by close to 80% in terms of number of content submissions. Yeah, you!
We feel good about supporting IMBA, and you should, too. If you're not already a member, get on over to and join now. For the sake of our trails.
Oh, and just because this IMBA promotion is over, don't stop posting to!
L'expérience,quelle chose magnifique,ca te permet de reconnaitre une gaffe quand tu la fait de nouveau...