Récits&photos Rocheaster (Anglais)

Tout vélo!: route, fixed, Montagne: DH, XC, All Mountain mais surtout Enduro!
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Récits&photos Rocheaster (Anglais)

Message par Deyv » Mar Avr 18, 2006 8:52 pm

Every year we go to Rochester in the state of NewYork to ride the trails over there with our good friends the Jackalopes. Everyone was there to spend some time with us over the weekend: Isa, Jason, Echo (John), Tweek (Mike), Crashby (dave), Stuntmatty, Instigator (Ralph), Sorgie (Jason) and Me.


We arrived there on the friday and got a warm welcome from the guys in Tweek`s (Mike) new house ............... with a bar :thumb:


Echo (John), Tweek and 2 other friends are the local champion dart players (no shit!) and they showed us how the pro do it!


The next morning we wrenched a bit in John`s secret bike room. We put on Isabelle new tires (fire xc pro of course!) and we put some gears on Echo`s singlespeed because he was injured.


Since most of our gear is a couple of years old and got intensively used for 11 months , some of it really needed to be replaced. Isa bought some very slick looking Sidi Mtb bullet.


Here's 2 very strong looking cyclist!


But the truth is: these are 2 hurting unit! I am still nursing a injured knee and John sprained his wirst big time while freeriding last week.


Isa used her 10 years worth of experience of sprained ankle (gymnastic) to tape John`s injured wrist and apparently it worked very well.


And then the moment I was waiting for for the last 8 months arrived. I got to hit the trails on my bike!


We rode the new trail network of Dryer road park. The local cyclists with a lot of help by Victor, the owner of the Trailblazer bike shop in Victor, got permission from the city to build MTB trails in this city park.


The trails are covering just a small amount of terrain but they made the best of it by creating tight and twisty singletracks to make the best use of the land available "à la Coaticook".


Teresa and Earl just got their first baby 10 weeks ago and the new parents had the day off to ride their bikes!


The trails were nice and dry even if it rained on the friday.


It's was nice and warm. It was so great to be riding in shorts and tshirts!


How can you doubt that mountainbiking is the greatest sport ever when you see faces like that


Our favorite trail was ribbon candy and it's pretty obvious how it got it's name



Here's Stuntmatty clearing for the first time the last technical part of a trail.


A bit of fun on the jumps at the entrance of the park.


This will be my new routine for a while now, putting ice on my knee after a ride. I was quite happy about my first offroad ride since my injury. I was obviously a bit weak on the climbs and had to walk a couple of steep one but overall it was not to bad. I could ride! But I did not expect to have that much problem on the descent. Since my left leg is very weak and I had the hardest time to be up on my pedals for the technical downhills and I was strugging as soon as it was a bit technical. I felt like it was my first mtb ride ever but I didn't care because I was riding!


John planned a very tasty picnic for the after ride, Olive bread and cheese and of course .... beer.


On the sunday, John, Mike, Isa and me went riding to Durand park.


We started with the "training loop" which was a lot of fun and then headed out on the other trails that we already knew


It was nice to ride fast on the flowing trails


Again it was a great weekend with extraordinary friends. A big thanks to John and Mike for having us and thanks for everyone who showed up. It was really great to see all of you again.

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Message par Evil Sylvain » Mar Avr 18, 2006 9:23 pm

Beau jeux de mots dans le titre. :)

Le réseau de trails semblent très bien. Si j'ai bien compris c'est près de la ville? Cool.

Et bravo pour cette première sortie sur un vélo de montagne depuis des lunes! Cela a eu l'air d'une belle fin de semaine. :thumb:

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Message par Echo » Mer Avr 19, 2006 9:01 am

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Message par Tweek » Mer Avr 19, 2006 12:58 pm

Thank you for excusing my ignorance of the French language...
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Inscription : Mer Avr 19, 2006 12:52 pm

Message par BOX » Mer Avr 19, 2006 1:05 pm


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