par splat! » Sam Juin 30, 2007 9:00 pm
Well Jozz and KaP are down from the great White North to visit us. and Today they went down to Grayville , CT to ride with IAB, MBC myself, tonyhawk, MMcG and a few others . MMcG got usa guide so we wouldn't get oo lost . However MMcG promply Bailed. any way , King Arthur ( ) would be our excelent guide , with a bunch of other too.
IAB == I Are Baboon
MBC == MtBikerChk
Fun Ride.
lets start with a Tree ride
IAB's turn
IAB crossing a Bridge .
MBC I Don't need no stinkin bridge to cross that rinky Dink stream
A Drop
MBC on a little rocky Roll
KaP's Turn
IAB on a Skinny
Tonyhawk on a rolling spine
Now thtas a wheelie drop
Jozz same drop
Jozz on a Small ladder
Jozz on a tree
IAB on same tree
Now this tree would Pose some problems
IAB Crashing
I think this is my stop
Crrr as h
excuse me , butthat front wheel is no longer on the tree.
Fall down
Go Boom
Ok enough playing there we start to go , and discover my fron tire is flat , So I change it no big deal
MBC riding along
KaP with IAB behind her
King arthur up a skinny ( harder than it looks )
Jozz on a ridge
Tony Hawk on a spine
King arthur Dropping
Followed by IAB, Jozz and TonyHawk
Now I would havethe next Mechenical problem and this one was a bit more serious . I broke my Shock Bolt. I was noticing my Rear end felt very loose and and when I stopped the bolt was half way oput , tried to put it back in and it could thread to nothing , pulled it out and it was broken, so we put it back in and Held it in place with Duct tape. Yeah it was loose butthe bike was rideable , However I rode very Gingerly the rest of the way , Walked on some fun stuff I wanted to ride , but didn't want to Push my luck.
Duct Tape it can fix anything!!!
a Small ramp launch to flat , fun for everyone.
Going along we would run into a Few more Bike Rag riders , Rukemaster , Joe dirt , etc ,etc at this nice table top
I wanted to do this ! i just didn't trust my rear suspention!!
King arthur shows How to do an up and over
IAB not looking good
Hello Dirt !!
Another tree ride , this however had a small drop off on to a Lower branch , was really quite cool to see executed.
a Final tree ride
and Pukemaster goes off the end
and Finally , IAB takes a walk of shame while MBC ride the little skinny!!
what am I doing here ?