Canada’s First Indoor All-Season Multi-Discipline Bike Park

Tout vélo!: route, fixed, Montagne: DH, XC, All Mountain mais surtout Enduro!
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Canada’s First Indoor All-Season Multi-Discipline Bike Park

Message par s&m » Ven Août 28, 2009 8:42 pm

You’ll be able to keep riding all year long in Toronto. Well actually Markham, but that’s a lot closer than Cleveland.

A 90,000sq/ft indoor bike park will open its doors this fall for bike riders of various disciplines & skill levels.

The park will feature a cross-country loop with climbs, BMX zone, beginner/sport/expert sections, rhythms, foam pit, resi jump, street park, grind room, pump track and much more.

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On ne devraient jamais travailler le lendemain d’un congé !

(Vieux proverbe de col bleu.)
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Kamikaze écervelé
Message(s) : 195
Inscription : Mer Juin 14, 2006 3:41 pm
Localisation : Butchertown

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